Monday, October 8, 2012

Ode to Google, Malls, and Galway's 10-minute walks

A 10-Minute Walk

The following is what I did on my way to go see Spencer in the hospital.  I call it my 10-minute walk although it lasted for several hours, because I took my time going and coming.

I went back to McDonagh's and had chicken and chips.  I was so tempted to try their mushy peas, but I was too full.  I will have mushy peas before I leave!  I love eating here because they have stools on the outside of the room, so even if you are sitting by yourself, you aren't really because you are so close to other people eating.  It's a nice way to meet people.

There is a very nice walkway right next to the river on the way to the hospital.  It is beautiful and green and surrounded by people and nature.  It was by far my favorite path.  I tried to use the panorama feature on my camera, but it made the pictures really small.  See what you think.  The first on is on the walkway and the second is next to the cathedral. 

I had a very nice visit with Spencer at the hospital and he started to cry and told me how grateful he was that I was here with him in Ireland. I was so happy to hear him say that, but when I was on my way home I wished that someone was here with me.  So, I went in a nice restaurant and had hot chocolate and shepherd's pie - Comfort Food.

I believe that God really watches out for us and he's always there when we need Him.  I walked out of the restaurant when I was done and heard the most beautiful Irish music!  I kept walking and there were street performers after street performers.  I heard guitars, harps, and even a Didgeridoo!  My favorite was this guy.  I'm not sure what Marilyn Monroe and Pres. Obama have to do with Irish music, but here it is:

I Have Clothes Now - Sort Of

The original plan was to come to Ireland on Friday and leave the next morning with Spencer and go to the doctor here.  By the time I was in Chicago, he was in the hospital.  So, I literally had 2 shirts, 2 pants, 2 pairs of socks (one was what I got from the airplane ride), and luckily 3 pairs of underwear.  So I have been washing in the sink and hanging out to dry things I wasn't wearing.  Today I found the mall.  It's so strange, you would never know there was a mall unless you were looking for it.  It looks like a tiny alleyway and then BOOM!  It's a mall.  It's just like an American mall.  It was huge!  I was very surprised that such a big mall can start off as a little alleyway.  I found 2 shirts, socks, gloves, and a suitcase.    I tried to find pants, but that was asking the impossible since even when I'm in America I can't find pants that don't need alterations.  I was thinking of buying shoes, but this is what I found:

These shoes are a little too cool for me.
I'm a comfortable shoes kind of girl.
Sorry, I don't want to have to balance
when I'm wearing shoes.

These look semi-comfortable, but they had
absolutely no padding on the
inside of the shoe.

Ode To Google

I have had to make several calls since I've been here, both to the U.S. and inside of Ireland.  Gmail has a chat feature.  Next to the chat feature is a picture of a little phone.  I get to talk to America for FREE and I get to talk to Ireland at 17 cents a minute.  THANK YOU GOOGLE!!!!!

Google is the best.
They put my mind to rest.
I can call my Mom.
I can also call my friend Tom. 
(It rhymes, I don't have a friend named Tom.)
Thanks Google for making calling cheap.
So I can hear the sheep in Ireland bleat.
(Use your imagination and pretend it rhymes!)


  1. Hey Tiffany,

    Sorry we didn't leave a comment on an earlier post. We have been reading them and are sorry to hear about Spencer being in the hospital. Hang in there! Thanks for giving us a taste of Ireland. Looks beautiful! That Obama picture is really funny. :)
    Tammy (and Alvin)

    1. I'm glad you are reading my blog! I'm trying to take lots of pictures. :) The doctor ordered me to go on a day trip, so I think I'll follow the doctor's orders and go on a tour of the cliffs. She said that it was the most beautiful place on earth.

  2. You are wonderful! I enjoy reading your adventures. I know you and Spencer will be blessed. Carry on!
