Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Key Chains and Sand - My Travels Around the World

I saw a friend at church recently who said, "You have been everywhere!  I want to sit down and talk with you about your travels one day."  I found that quite ironic since she has been more places than I have.  I talked to her a little about this ironicness (not a word) a little later and she said that she was older and I had a great start.  She also told me that she collected sand from where ever she went, which is right up my alley since I LOVE beaches.  She even collected dirt from the Eiffel Tower in France because there is no sand there.  

I collect key chains.  I started on my first trip to Europe because I was poor and my luggage was full.  It turns out that I had key chains from the previous countries I went to before I became a big traveler. So, Diane, this blog is for you!

Aroha Nui! 
Can you believe the first place I ever went outside of the USA is New Zealand?  This was 1993.  What a lucky girl I am!  I lived there for 1 1/2 years as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Thanks to facebook I've recently re-established friendships!  I lived mostly in Hamilton and Auckland in the North Island.  It's one of the most beautiful places in the world!  My part of New Zealand had a lot of Polynesians.  I learned how to say, hello and good-bye in about 10 different languages.  I loved it there!  

I went to Canada next in 1994.  Actually, I went to Niagra Falls for a day, which hardly counts, but I count it anyway.  I don't have a key chain from there.

Because I knew a lot about Polynesia, when someone came into my BYU teaching methods class asking who wanted to student teach in Tonga, I jumped at the chance!  I was there for 3 months in 1996.  I loved it there.  There was nothing to do at all, but flirt with boys.  When I was there they thought all white women were beautiful, so for 3 glorious months in Tonga, I was beautiful.  The first Tongan word I learned was Foi Lole - which means you are as sweet as candy!  

In 2006, I went with my friend Bonnie to pick up her cousin Ang, who I have known for years, who was studying in France.  Bonnie, Ang, Ang's friend, and I had a whirlwind trip to London, England; Edinburgh, Scotland; and Paris, France.  We were there for 8 days I think.

On my first cruise in 2009, I went with my friend Bonnie for my birthday, who has been with me through most of my travels.  She had never been to New Orleans, so we started from there.  We went to Cozumel, Mexico.  It was a great trip and we had a lot of fun!

In 2011, I went to Italy for 3 weeks with my friend Sandy.  I loved Venice because it had some beautiful masks and trinkets.  These are not key chains, but they are small, cheap, and easy to carry.

Rome, Florence (Firenze), Pisa, and Venice! I love Italy!  In Rome, we stayed in a magical campground filled with music.  In Florence, we could've eaten dirt and it would have been the best food I have ever had in my life. Pisa gave us a nice sunny reprieve from the rain in Florence. In Venice, my friend Sandy and I had fun getting lost and following a cute gondolier.   

Did you know that Vatican City is another country within the walls of Italy?  The Sistine Chapel is there and the magnificent ceiling that Michelangelo Painted!  This trinket is actually an eraser.  It's my favorite part of the painting!

In October 2011, I went with the South Family to the Bahamas on another cruise to celebrate Bonnie, Jessica, and my 40th Birthday!  Bonnie's actual birthday was on Tuesday, Jessica's birthday is November so we celebrated on Wednesday, and my birthday is in December, so we celebrated on Thursday.  What a wonderful time with a wonderful family who adopted me into their family so long ago that we don't want to mention how long ago!  Love you all!!!!

In 2012 went with my friend Suzanne to Vigo, Spain where our friends Marcos and Beatriz live.  They took us to Porto, Portugal and we had a wonderful day with my Spanish, English, and American Friends!!!  Thanks to my Spanish friends, who made it possible!  We walked over the bottom of this bridge and came back on the top part of the bridge.  It was a perfect day!

In 2012, I went to La Alberca, Spain to teach English to some wonderful Spaniards!                         


  1. That is an awesome collection. I'm impressed.

  2. What a great list! Thanks for sharing. I am going to do one for my travels. I particulary love the part about Florence. So true!
