Sunday, February 2, 2014

Countries I have visited

A lot of people ask me what countries I have visited, so I decided to list them here.

1.  New Zealand (Visited 3 times) - I lived there for 1 1/2 years on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I went back after my student teaching in Tonga for $25.  Then I went again in the summer of 2013.
2.  Canada - I went to Niagara Falls right after I got back from living in New Zealand.
3.  England (I have been there 2 times).  With my friend Bonnie and her cousin Ang.  Once over night trying to get home from Ireland.  If the airport counts, I have been there 3 times.
4.  France (Twice).  Once with Bonnie and Ang and once with Spencer.
5.  Scotland (Once).  With Bonnie and Ang.
6.  Italy (Once).  Went with Sandy and Spencer.
7.  Vatican City.  (Once) With Sandy.
8.  Slovenia.  (Once). Just drove through. Almost got arrested there coming back from Croatia  because I didn't have my passport stamp from Italy and I was there illegally.  Who knew?  Lol.  If anyone asks, I didn't visit Italy, I visited Slovenia! (At least that is what my passport says.)
9.  Croatia (Once) with Sandy because it was there and we had a wonderfully fresh fish on the Sea.
10.  Spain (3 times).  Once with Suzanne, twice more to visit friends and participate in Pueblo Ingles.
11.  Ireland (Once) with Spencer.
12.  Mexico - (Once) on a cruise with Bonnie.
13.  Bahamas (Once) - on a cruise with Bonnie, John, Christie, Trenton, and Jessica.  (40th birthday for me, Bonnie, and Jess.)
14.  Australia. (Once) - with Cindy.  I visited a few friends who live there.
15. Tonga.  (Should be number 3).  (Once) I lived there for 3 months and did my student teaching there.