Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bucket List - 2009 and Today

I have heard of people who make visualization posters where everything they want, they put on a poster and expect it to happen. My friend Angela goes even farther than that.  She tries to create a situation where she is waiting for it to happen.  For example, if a single person wanted to be married, she would suggest that the single person only use half the closet, sleep on one side of the bed, and one side of the bathroom cabinet to make room for the future spouse.  I personally will not go to those lengths because I don't quite believe in that, but she believes and things happen for her.  

I had a friend post on facebook her Bucket List and it reminded me of the Bucket List I made in 2009.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that some of the things on my bucket list had already happened.  Here is what I wrote:

Things I want to do before I die:

1. Teach college in a face-to-face class.
2. Live in several different countries.
3. Travel for an extended period of time in Europe.
4. Go to the places that Jane Austen writes about and lived in.
5. Live in England (during the summer).
6. Go snorkeling in Australia.
7. Own my home.
8. Be a naturally spiritual person.
9. Think of others more than I do myself.
10. Have enough money and a job that lets me travel whenever I want. I don't mind if my job picks the place.
11. Write a novel, more like a Robert Fulgham (Author of Everything I Need to Learn, I Learned in Kindergarten) book of thoughts than a fictional novel.
12. Visit Prince Edward Island (In the summer).
13. Go on a cruise - doesn't matter where.
14. Go back to Tonga to teach for the summer.

So, I've crossed 3 things off my bucket list since then.  I plan on doing number 6 this summer in Australia.  

For number 3, I spent 3 weeks last year in Italy and I spent 3 1/2 weeks in Spain this past summer.  

Number 10 happened when Spencer got the job at American Airlines and I got his benefits!  

I have actually been on 2 cruises to cross off number 13, one to Mexico and one to the Bahamas.  

Maybe this blog checks off number 11, time will tell with that one.  I don't need an actual book really.  I've started on blogs before, but they haven't lasted, here's hoping I will be more consistent on this one!

My new updated Bucket List:

1.  Get another job where I teach adults. 
2.  Go on a trip where I go completely around the world.
3.  Visit every continent, except for Antarctica.  My friend Bonnie even wants to visit that one, but I HATE being cold!
4.  Get my doctorate.
5. Teach college in a face-to-face class.
6.  Live in several different countries.
7.  Visit Prince Edward Island during the summer.  I want to do this because Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite books.
8.  Go to the places that Jane Austen writes about and lived in.
9.  Be a naturally spiritual person.
10.  Think of others more than I do myself.
11.  Make money off my writing.
12.  Swim in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
13.  Have a completely paid off house.

I had a recent conversation with someone saying that if you actually tell people about your hopes and dreams then they may be the person to actually help you do that.  For example, if someone needed a place to stay for a couple of months and they were mentioning this to someone who needed someone to watch their house for a couple of months while they were away, they both would know of the others' need and make a happy connection.

1 comment:

  1. Big dreams...big goals...loving that you're doing it! :) Thanks for sharing.
